DALPROP Cyclone POPO T5249C Propeller (Set of 4)

  • Rs. 200.00
Crystal Turquoise
Crystal Turquoise
Crystal Red
Crystal Red
Fluorescent Green
Fluorescent Green
Crystal Purple
Crystal Purple
Crystal Blue
Crystal Blue
Crystal Black
Crystal Black

DalProp Cyclone POPO T5249C Propeller (Set of 4)

As pilots continue to squeeze every ounce of power out of their quads, many have realized they can fit props slightly larger than their reported arm size. You might wonder why there have been more 5.1 and 5.2-inch props out there lately and it's because many frames can clear them. This extra bit of length can make a significant difference in the power and handling of your quad. 

Be sure to check each frame as one 5" frame may be able to fit different props compared to another 5" frame. 

DALProp has been a mainstay in the prop industry for a long time, and their Cyclone series is well known as some of the most dependable props on the market.

DALProp has also been added to the list of manufacturers who have added POPO support into their propellers. Finding the correct prop you want with POPO is easier than ever.


  • 2x CW Cyclone 5249 Propellers
  • 2x CCW Cyclone 5249 Propellers


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